Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ruffle Yarn Scarf On Knifty Knitter

The yarn in the photo is Broadway made by Knitting Fever.  It was made on the blue round Knifty Knitter.

Blue Knifty Knitter
1 Ball Broadway

We marked the pegs that were going to be used.  You will be using 8 pegs for the yarn, but skip every other peg so this will be spread over 16 pegs. 

When you open the yarn you will see it has a mesh like appearance.  using the NON-metallic edge you will put 1 hole over each of the 8 pegs being used.  You do not need to wrap.  After doing those 8 pegs you will turn and go over those 8 pegs so you have 2 strands on each peg.  Unlike the usual times you won't slip each edge stitch.  When you get to the end of the 8 pegs the second time take the hook and work the yarn as usual.  You do this for all the rows until you are near the end of the ball.  Then take a crochet hook and put the strand on the end peg on the hook and the next hole on the yarn on the hook and chain it off.  do this again with the yarn and then go to the peg.  Two times with the yarn and then the peg.  Repeat until you are done with the pegs.  Pull the yarn through the loop and weave in your ends. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

All Is Well

All is going well.  Have gotten a couple knitting projects (mosaic hat & cowl) done in the past week.  Started planning for my DAR American Heritage projects.  Loving that the LYS has moved to within a mile from home.  My 3rd project for the Ravellenics is going along.  Have hit a hitch, but am working it out.  Now just waiting for the landlord to come and check on a problem.  How much better can things get?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kathleen's Newborn Grandbaby Socks

I came up with the following pattern after my APRN commissioned me to make a pair of socks for her Grandson to be. You will notice that there are 3 socks in the photo. I was trying to get somewhat matching socks.
I used a Regia 4-ply and US2 DPN.  These came out just right for a newborn.
The remnant yearn from an adult sock was enough to make a pair of baby socks.

Cast on 32 stitches and split evenly on each needle and join in the round.

Cuff and Leg
K1,p1 rib for 1" (11 rounds for me).
St st 1" (13rounds for me) to heel flap.

Heel Flap
Put 8 sts each on Needles 1 & 3 and 16 sts on Needle 2. Work over the 16sts.
Round 1: *Sl1, K1* rep across row
Round 2: Sl1, P to end of row Rep for 17 rows ending on S1, K1 row

Turning Heel
Row 1: Sl1, K8, ssk, K1, turn
Row 2: Sl1, P3, P2tog, P1, turn
Row 3: Sl1, K4, ssk, K1, turn
Row 4: Sl1, P5, P2tog, P1, turn
Row 5: Sl1, K6, ssk, K1, turn
Row 6: Sl1, P7, P2tog, P1, turn
Row 7: Knit
Pick up 7 sts along side, Knit across 16 instep sts, Pick up 7 sts.
Redistribute sts so Needles 1 & 3 have 12 sts each and Needle 2 has 16 sts (40 sts)

Row 1: Knit
Row 2: NEEDLE 1: K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1
            NEEDLE 2: K across
            NEEDLE 3: K1, ssk, K to end Repeat until back to 32 sts (total of 8 rows)

Knit until foot is a total length of 2" from back of heel to where you currently are (including Heel turn, Gusset, and Foot, 21 rows).

Toe Decrease:
Row 1: NEEDLE 1: K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1
            NEEDLE 2: K1, ssk, K to last 3, K2tog, K1
            NEEDLE 3: K1, ssk, K to end row
Row 2: Knit Decrease until down to 8 sts

Kitchener Stitch sts together With a tail of yarn Take a needle and
1: Slide the needle through the first stitch on front needle as if to knit and that stitch comes off the needle.
2: Now slide the needle through the next stitch on the front needle as if to purl and keep it on the needle.
3: Next slide the needle through the first stitch on back needle as if to purl and that stitch comes off the needle.
4: Lastly slide that needle through the next stitch on back needle as if to knit and that stays on the needle. Repeat those 4 steps until the stitches are all grafted and weave the end in.

I hope you enjoy this pattern.  If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

ISS Round 3 Packages

Well R and Me have gotten our packages from our Ravlery Partners for International Scarf Swap on Ravelry

Mine From Mocha Kitty

R's From Randcbowie

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

january reading

Wow, i have been doing quite the bit if reading. Since the beginning of the year, i have read:

KING OF THE ROAD....Alex Debogorski
A HOUSE SHAKEN... Sam Markley

Pretty good for being not even 2 weeks into the new year.