Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Crocheting Away

That new crochet hook is the best.  I've already made a few granny quares and I've already started a baby blanket.  Pictures will be posted soon.  I just haven't taken them yet.  Before I got this hook I couldn't crochet to save my life, now I'm just going along happy as a clam. 

Sunday, December 27, 2009


What a holiday!  It was 3 days long for me.  Christmas Eve at my Dad's, Christmas at home with Robbyn and then at my Mom's and the day after at a friend's.  At my Dad's I was also with my Step-Mom and Step-Sister.  We opened our stuff and we all liked what we got.  I got my loom stand so now it will be easier for me to weave.  That was awesome.  It was also nice and easy to assemble. 

Christmas morning was spent with my roommate and the kitties.  Robbyn liked everything I gave her.  I liked what she gave me.  She even surprised me with a glass grinder.  It'll be so much easier to do stained glass here at home now.  Also, we can grind our fused glass pieces here at home then take them in to be fired.  Now to get a Kiln.  That afternoon we went to my Mom's.  It was a houseful with the 2 of us, my Mom, Step-Dad, Grandparents, 2 cousins, Aunt & Uncle.  We all had a blast like usual when we all get together.  Everyone liked what they got again.  The highlight of my day there was the trunk my Step-Dad made me.  It's not here at home yet as it didn't fit in the car, but it'll be here in about a week.  I also got an ergonomic crochet hook.  Now I can start to crochet.  I've tried to crochet and have had no luck at all.  I tried one of these ergonomic ones out about a month ago and loved it.  I was actually able to make a chain that you were able to get the hook back into.  Today I grabbed a book and started to teach myself.  I'm crocheting rather tight  right now, but may end up loosening up as time goes on.  I did the same with my knitting.  I even started a Granny Square.

Today we  (Robbyn and I) also went to our friends house where we were given more presents.  I was given such a cute alarm clock, gift card, and more things.  I got a crochet book with the gift card already and not the one previously mentioned. 

Overall It was a great holiday and had a great time with family and friends.  Now to rest, relax, recover, and get creating for next year.   Oh and all the birthdays in between.  Happy New Year everyone

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Eyes in the Winter

Well, Christmas is just over a week away and I'm still weaving away to my heart's content, I'm ready to loose my sanity at a moment's notice, my foot is killing me, and my birthday meltdown is over.  Ok, now to back up and go over each of those.

I still have 2 scarves to weave by christmas.  I'd be further ahead of where i am, but I am a little discouraged by my last scarf.  I chose a yarn that wasn't a good choice for warp yarn and it kept breaking.  I ended up making the scarf short and have yet to warp again.

This time of month I'm always close to loosing my sanity.  December I'm always closer to the edge.  This year I'm even closer due to the meltdown over my birthday.  That was earlier this month.  It was one of those birthdays some people don't look forward to and I was one of them.  I was having a meltdown about it.  Thankfully I got over it before my b-day so I had a good b-day. 

As for my foot, it just started hurting for no reason at all.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Weaving Pics

Knit Purse

Knit Scarf

Close Up of a Woven Scarf

Sideways View of same scarf

View of A scarf Woven For a family member

View of A scarf Woven For a cousin

Close Up of same Woven Scarf

Close Up of a Woven Mantle Scarf

Sideways View of A scarf Woven For a cousin

The Soul's Obsession

Holiday crafting is going along extremely well.  I got 1 scarf woven in 1 night and am working on another one.  I still have 3 to do by Christmas which will get done.  I'm also knitting one for an Aunt of mine.  I have pictures going up over on Ravelry under the screen name of VangeKnitter whenever I get a project done. 

The glass fusing is also going well too.  My friend is putting a tree up in her store where we can make ornaments to put on it for people to buy.  My roommate & I have about 10 ready to go on and who knows what is in the kiln too.    It puts me in the holiday mood.  I'll eventually post pics of everything.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Weaving Away

Taking a break from knitting (except for scarf travels) and have been doing a lot of weaving.  I've been knocking out scarves left and right.  This is good since Christmas is right around the corner and I have a large family to supply. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Better Mood

Roommate & I talked & all is back to normal.  We misunderstood each other.  Off to weave.

Friday, October 16, 2009

First Flight

Ahhh, a quieter week.  That left time for knitting and weaving.  Knit and weave is what I did.

I did my 5" on the scarf that I had for Scarf Travels (a round robin travelling scarf) and got it off to the next person.  The next one will arrive next week.  I also got a bit more done on Robbyn's Christmas or Birthday Present.  idk which it will be yet.  Sandy's scarf is also on the go now.  Who knows what will happen over the weekend with it.

The mantle Scarf is almost done.  If we're lucky it'll be done tonight.  It won't be the best, but it'll be better than nothing and I'll include a note to make a new one next year.  For starters it's narrower than intended even though I double, no triple checked my math and it should have come out right.  Also it's somehow coming out 30" shorter than it's supposed to!  I have no clue how that happened either.  I remeasured the spots I used and those are the right length.  I guess for a 4th weaving project and a 1st with dimensions to meet I came close.

As for the weekend my roommate & I will be manning a table for NAMI at an annual Health & Wellness Fair.  It's fun.  Last year my roommate % I got our picture taken with the Governor.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Obsessed Time

What a week.  It's been one hectic one.  The hilights being getting the next section of Scarf Travels in the mail and having my friend's store tomorrow.  TOday also had part of the most trying part of the week.

One of the monthly meetings was today.  We've been developing a mission statement and today was the final part.  Trying to get 20+ people to agree on 1 thing can make people want to pull their hair out.  I actually left the room at one time.  I would have pulles out knitting & worked on it, but feared for my knitting.

Oh, before I forget, I got the title for this post from Random Title Generator and any other entries with titles that don't make sense you can figure cane from here (i'll try to remember to tag them). 

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What a week

It's turning out to be one of those weeks.  A week where every day is spent running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.  Monday Robbyn and me were doing satisfaction interviews and the usual errands. 

Yesterday we were at a meeting an hour away for the morning to come back and do more satisfaction interviews, attend another meeting, and dash off for a quick dinner and glass class.  We were on the run for 12+ hours.

Today we were at the same location as yesterday for yet another meeting.  We'll be there Friday too.  Tomorrow will be spent in Hartfors and ducking out for a doctor's appointment.  Next week is a little calmer, but still a bit wacky.

Knitting Away

I've been knitting away on a Christmas present for my roommate.  She knows what it is and all.  I had her come with me to pick the yarn out too.  The part I'm not looking forward to is the lining.  I know it's going to be easier that the last time I lined a purse, but I'm dreading it just the same.  The last time I lined a purse which was also the first time I hand did it and it was denim.  Who knows what I was thinking. 

One scarf that I'm working on wasn't going so well so it got frogged and is enjoying a new life with a new pattern.  Hopefully this will be the last time.  Once these 2 get done I'll be back to my weaving as I still need to do the mantle scarf.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Definitley Not Quiet

I forgot how much mischief and mayhem a kitten brings.  Also how much laughter.  I have loved this little ball of fur since I set eyes on her.  The past few days have been quite an adventure in getting to know her, kitten proofing the place, getting everyone used to each other, and trying to carry on with regular life duties. 

Little Elphie we have discovered definitley has a thing for the computer.  She loves to walk across the keyboard and watch the screen.  If there is anything moving on the screen be it a flashing cursor, moving mouse, or who knows what else, she is right there trying to get it.  It actually has taken me twice as long as normal to get this post typed due to removing Elphie from the keyboard.  It's quite cute in a way and you just can't help but laugh.  She definitley brings a smile to my face.  It's time for me to go and try to get some rest now while it's semi quiet around here. 

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Below are some pictures of Elphaba.  Ok, Elphaba is her real name, but we call her "Elphie."   She's fitting right in. 

Playing Peek-a-Boo

Being held by Robbyn

Playing in the crinkly tube

Hanging out



Thursday, September 24, 2009

Scarf Travels

I got the 2nd section to k nit on for scarf travels today.  I'd work on it now if I wasn't so tired.  I'll work on it tomorrow while Robbyn is at the dentist.  The yarn is all picked out.

Cliona & Elphaba

About 2 weeks ago Cliona started peeing on the floor. Wednesday night I got home and she had peed on shorts that were on my bed. I put her in the carrier as a way to tell her "NO". When I took her out she attacked me. She had attacked Robbyn a day or so earlier.

We told her if she peed on the floor again or attacked either of us again we were going to have to find a new place ofr her. Thursday she peed on my foot not 5 minutes after getting home from running an errand. She went in the carrier and we started a 3 hour trip to find a new home for her. Noone would take her. Not even the humane society. We cane home to restrategize. While taking the carrier out of the car it opened and she got out of the carrier. She ran out into the road and got hit. I miss her dearly, but don't miss the peeing everywhere.

We do have a new kitten now though. Hey I need a cat plus it was decided between us that if Cliona had to go then we'd get a kitten to replace her. Her name is Elphaba & we are calling her Elphie for short. She's about 10 weeks old and adorable. She's black & white with a touch of orange.


The blasetd cat is on her last life here.  She has taken to peeing at the foot of the stairs over the past week.  Now today when I get home at 10:00 p.m. I discover she has peed on some things on my bed.  I put her in the carrier and Robbyn and I ran out for a few monutes.  When we got back I put the litter box in my room and went to show it to her.  That did NOT go well.  the danged cat attacked me and left me with several scratches on my arms and bit me.  In the past hour we have had to yell at her several times for wanting to pee in other places in the apartment.  If she doesn't straighten out she's finding a new home.  Gahhhh. 

I love her, but she just can't be doing this.  There's actually tears in my eyes thinking about getting rid of her.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Tuesday

I love Tuesday nights.  Especially now that things are back to normal at my friend's store.  On Tuesday nights she has her glass fusing class.  Robbyn and I are now in it.  Such things as that can make ones day and it makes mine.  I'll have to post some pics sometime of some of the pieces that I've made.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Working Out Is Exciting!

Well, I can't say that working out at my local curves is ever boring.  For starters the owner is a wonderful, caring, and energetic person.  Secondly everyone that goes there is just as wonderful, caring, and energetic.  Then there's what happened today. 

I'm on one of the machines and I happen to look out the window.  Across the street s a bank.  I happen to notice a police car across the street. Before any of us knew what was going on the area had tons of police both local and state.  It turns out the bank was robbed and there was a bobm threat made.  After a little while the tellers came out.  it was quite crazy and exciting though.  Thankfully everyone is ok.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


my scarf section went off for the Scarf Travels. The NAMI state conference online registration is up and running. It was a good day at the store. We had a couple customers and I got to make a few pieces of jewlery with the new glass. Now for the rest of the weekend.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Holding Together Very Well

I know I had a rocky bit a few weeks ago, but I’m back together and staying together very well. I was dealing with my depression and took care of itself with the meds. I saw my therapist. With things picking up and getting busier I know that I’ll be staying together. The busier I am the better I stay together. Well, off to do housework and knit

Busy Time Of Year (not Complaining)

It’s one of the 2 busy times of year for me. The other time being the state’s legislative session. This time of year I call Training and Preparing. I’ve got so many trainings coming up that I sometimes wonder what’s going on. Like the previous 2 years I’m taking the ”Essentials Of Legislative Advocacy” and “Legislative Leadership Training.” Each one is 2 days long. I love them and look forward to them each year. They are both put on by the Keep the Promise Coalition (KTP). KTP is doing another training this year about access to medications and housing next month and I’ll be attending that too. That is also an important one as the lovely state changed the rules about access to psychiatric medications and this will help us to understand more about it.

In addition to that I’ll one person on a panel of 4 be teaching a 5 week 30 hour class to mental health providers starting later in the month as long as enough people sign up. NAMI-CT (National Alliance On Mental Illness Connecticut) will be having their annual conference on Halloween and my roommate will be at that too. We’re on the planning committee and we’re also going to have a table at the conference regarding Self Injury Awareness (SIA). That’s the first of 3 SIA events we have in the next 6.5 months.

All this is going to be going on while taking care of regular life. What’s that? Monthly Community Advisory Board Meetings where I’m President, local NAMI meetings 2 times a month, KTP meetings monthly, watching a friends store 2 times a month, dogsitting for 4 or so days next month, attending curves 3 times a week minimum, and a few other monthly meetings I know I’m forgetting.

This time of year is coming just in time. I was starting to get bored

Scarf Travels

On Ravelry I'm doing a Travelling Scarf. I'm so excited about it and looking forward to sending my first section off. Also to getting to knowing the other people in my group. Especially my up and downstram people.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to Normal

Just wanted to say I'm back to my normal self.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Shuttle Follow-up

By the way, the blasted shuttle is backordered. I was called Friday and told that it would be backordered till 9/3 and I could wait till then, get a different one, or a refund. Now I've waited this long...give me my money back. I'll go elsewhere where I'll be told quicker if there's a problem, 2 weeks is too long to wait to tell somoeone that something they ordered is backordered. Grrrrr.

Monday, August 3, 2009

What a summer!It’s been one of those odd summers here. I swear July had to go down ad the coldest and wettest on record. It was definitley cooler and wetter than I ever remember it being. On the bright side, the Self Injury Awareness Day (SIAD) bill got signed by the Governor. It (SIAD) was actually in with a bunch of other days fo rhte bill and got passed by the state senate with les than 2 hours to go in the session. It then took about another month to get it signed. It’s signed though. That makes us the only state to have SIAD on the books.

At the end of May I sprained my ankle. I did it good this time. At the ER they weren’t sure if I broke it and ruled it out by asking if I’ve ever injured it before. My regular doc had it MRI’ed. I ended up in PT for it. Otherwise things have been going well.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

No, I don't knit. :P We all know I do though.

Well, if today doesn't show my knitting side to myself, nothing will. It was the first of 10 classes that I'll be teaching with 4 other people. Now the 4 other people know about me and knitting. The one's we're teaching though, know nothing about us. as the morning goes on we discover that they are a very quiet group. We ask a question, about the format of the class and wether or not they like it, and they don't respond. i go to say something and have to stop myself to say something different.

What I wanted to say was, "Don't worry I won't tie you up in yarn or get you with my pointy sticks." with a laugh of course. Instead I say, "We don't bite." I had to stop because I realized they wouldn't get the joke like the 4 that know me would. It's like the other week with the customer in the shop.

A customer comes is to use the class grinder and is wearing a nice scarf. It's made from at least 2 balls of Lion Brand Landscapes. As she's about to use the grinder I remind her to take the scarf off. My concern was first for the scarf, secondly for the grinder, thirdly for the customer. I didn't want to see the yarn ruined. Afterwards I started to laugh. You'd think that my first worry would be the customer. She's a nice lady so it's not like I had anything against her. Thankfully I didn't tell the customer my line of thought.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

3rd year in a row

So, came home from knitting and went to the mailbox. Next thing Robbyn knows I'm giving my excited yell. Why? There was a nice big brownish flat envelope from the Governor's office in our mailbox. We put a proclamation request in a couple weeks ago for Self Injury Awareness Day as we have done for the past few years, since 2006 to be exact. We have gotten it granted for the third year in a row. We didn't get it the first year.

So, we're good for the year. This gives us time for the bill to get through legislation. The differnece between the bill and the proclamation is that with the proclamation we have to ask for it yearly. With the bill (that's if it gets passed) it would be yearly automatically.

Friday, January 30, 2009

What a week

It's been one of those weeks I'll tell you. Between rescheduling the Self injury Awareness Day Informational Fair (SIAD), doing a new website for SIAD, cancelling this months board meeting, finding out one friend might be dying of chirrosis of the liver and another having a 90% of cancer I don't know which end is up.

The one that might be dying of chirrosis is an alcoholic and was just/is in the hospital for internal bleeding. The friend that might have cancer had a biopsy yesterday and we're waiting for the results now. This one is a good friend of mine and I'm really scared for her. At least tomorrow's saturday so I can get together with my knitting group.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter Weather

I may have grown up in this region, but I never have liked snow. I never will either. This winter is really getting to me too. Every week a storm! Come on mother nature, give it a rest already. People do have lives and you're mucking them up. I want to see the ground again, and not covered in white crud.

Okay, It doesn't help I have a CAB meeting Wednesday and we whave a storm forecasted that day. I'm still not used to being president and putting the president's report together. So I'm stressing. Time to step back take a deep breath and relax a little.